Conservation efforts

Our conservation efforts have come from community-driven ideas aiming to protect and preserve where we live and love.

The cornerstone of our success - community involvement, grass roots initiatives and action.

Every small action counts, and our collective efforts are already noticeable…

  • Restoring degraded areas concerning residents and campers

  • Community-led wildlife monitoring, resulting in habitat restoration and protection zones

  • A Kennett River Weed Management Strategy - an idea born over a cuppa with neighbours

  • Raising awareness and empowering others to get involved, when they can

  • Having a long-term plan - which we do, along with funding - which we have


By proactively planting indigenous species within Kennett River we aim to increase biodiversity, extend habitat zones, protect wildlife corridors, improve riparian zones, reduce erosion and minimise the impact of tourism. Revegetation initiatives and the Kennett River Weed Management Strategy are interlinked, ensuring we have the best outcomes for our revegetation efforts.

Key 2024 zones are;

  • The Triangle - corner Grey River Road + Hawdon Avenue

  • Kennett River Riparian Zone

  • Hawdon Point

  • Grey River Road

Key education initiatives;

  • Sea Spurge - Strive for 5 to Purge the Spurge

  • Agapanthus bounty

2025 sees us continuing momentum in target zones and with target species, watch this space - we have some exciting projects in the pipeline!

Weed management strategy

A Kennett River Weed Management Strategy is currently being developed in conjunction with the Kennett Community Action Group, local and state government agencies, ecologists and at a community level to ensure we are reflecting our commitment to preserving and protecting where we live and love. Ensuring our goals support and align to the National Weed Strategy as well as, state and local government policies and other community group goals.

The aim of this strategy is to;

  • be proactive in caring for where we live and love through leadership and on ground insights

  • embrace best practice

  • have clear goals and measures of success

  • create and foster awareness about weed issues

  • capture and share data for effective decision making

  • provide the community with opportunities to make a positive impact

Our long term goals are;

  • to be a weed free community - from the hills to the sea

  • to be chemical free in our management of weeds

Our target species are;

  • Agapanthus

  • Asparagus Fern

  • Banana Passionfruit

  • Blackberry

  • Bluebell Creeper

  • Blue Periwinkle

  • Drain Flat-sedge

  • Kikuyu

  • Sweet Pittosporum