11 September 2024

Local groups rally for safety improvements…

On the 29th of April, KCAG submitted a proposal to the Colac Otway Shire highlighting recent safety risks and on-going challenges our small community are experiencing within the precinct.

The intent of our proposal to offer low-cost, considered solutions to help guide visitor behaviour and minimise risk.

You can read the original proposal here.

Our proposal was created based on discussions with impacted community members. It looked at our challenges globally, then broke them down to identify what we could do now with simple fixes.

The temporary traffic management measures to be agreed upon are simply that - temporary, they don't address everything and and aren’t exactly aesthetically pleasing, but they are a critical step in managing safety, visitor volumes, and visitor behaviours, as we grapple with our share of the estimated 7.4 million visitors expected to the region.

This has been an important community led initiative, to be actioned ahead of summer - as the Geelong City Deal Improvements to Tourism Infrastructure at Kennett River project, still 12-18 months away at best.

Another big win, is that we will have a designated DDA space (Disability Parking), near the existing toilet block going forward, something that has never been provisioned for in Kennett River.

Reference Documents